36 Regiment Royal Artillery​
The Next Reunion will take place on
19th - 21st September 2025
The Village Hotel
Dolomite Avenue Coventry Business Park Coventry
To contact a hotel directly:
Tel: 024 77710860

Please get your room booked as soon as possible, do not leave it to the
last moment and be dissapointed.
Get Booked in for a Great Reunion in 2025
Reunion Rates not avalible yet
Please book your Rooms directly with the Hotel Tel: 02476 719061
Two Night Package, Friday and Saturday Night
One room, two people £
One Room, one person £
Friday night only, Accommodation only, two people £
one person £
Saturday Night only, Accommodation only, two people £
one person £
When Booking quote: '36 Regiment Weekend'
Final Payments will be due on 1st September 2025
There is no requirment for a deposit to be paid to the Hotel when booking,
if asked please refer them to Monty who will resolve the issue.
Please remember that the price includes your Room, Friday Night Carvery, Breakfast
and Gala Dinner on the Saturday evening, Breakfast on Sunday morning.
A really good deal for a great weekend with your old friends.
Please do your utmost to attend.
Photos from various Past Reunions.
Click on Photos for a larger image.
Reunion 2023
Thanks to Nigel (Willy) Palmer for the photos
Click on image for larger photo
Time to the Reunion
Play Me
Meet old Mates
Reunion 2025
Book Early
Relive old Times
Enjoy a Great Weekend
with your old Comrades